Tired of algorithms, paying for views and your content not being seen?

Yeah. I was too. I decided I wanted something more, so I went on the hunt. I found Pinterest, and my mind exploded. My views increased by 199,900% (no... that isn't a miscalculation.) What if you could too?

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    Teagan Hintze

    Pinterest Strategist | Virtual Assistant | Jill of All Trades

    Who am I?

    I am a newly married mama to one Mario obsessed four year old. I have been through my shares of ups and downs, but there are a few things I know for sure. One. Sweatpants are pants, and no one can tell me otherwise. Two. Dr Pepper is the nectar of the gods and I will drink it every day - I even designed a label for them, yep dead freaking serious. Three. Sugar is a food group and is totally acceptable as a meal. Four. Sarcasm is quite literally the best thing ever, especially when mixed with sass. Five. Reading is a hardcore addiction I have, cause learning is the best - I might read until like 2/3a nightly, shhhh don't tell my husband. Six. Dance parties will solve any bad mood. I have spent the last 5 years learning, testing and working to perfect my trade, now I am sharing my secrets with you.

    What will you learn?

    This ecourse is designed to help you learn how powerful Pinterest is as a tool in your marketing, and help you understand how to use it towards your advantage. We will cover:

    • How to optimize your profile for your ideal client
    • How to claim a website
    • Why you need to clean your boards up
    • How to join a group board, and why they help you
    • My favorite tool ever, and how it saves me 40+ hours a month

    Every day you will get an email dropped into your inbox with your lesson. They are short, and easy to do. In addition to that, I will go LIVE in the group daily answering your questions.